our story

“It all began with a strong passion and a little hard work. I have loved barbecue since I was a kid cooking whole hog in eastern NC with my grandfather.

My first job was at an old school barbecue stand in Roper, NC at 14. That’s when I fell in love with the art of making good food and making people smile.

Later in my professional career I got the opportunity to travel all over the US. I started asking the locals that I worked with for recommendations on the best barbecue spots. One day I had true Texas style brisket… My world changed. I came back to Charlotte, NC and started trying to recreate that experience. Texas style barbecue is rare in the Carolinas so I had to start making my own seasonings.

I started all the social media accounts to scratch a creative itch and to create some ‘how to videos’. My last name is Weathersbee and I had a good friend tell me I should name my YouTube channel WeathersBEEF…Then my friends started calling me ‘Beef’ for short… That’s when it all really started!”

-Brian, AKA Beef